Online Voice Lessons

50-minute online sessions

$55 per lesson


$200 package of four

WHO this is for…

  • Middle School Students

  • High School Students

  • Homeschoolers

  • Adults

50 minutes per week

In these lessons, learn...

  • Practical Music Theory

  • Ear Training

  • Goal Setting for Long-Term Success

  • Worship Focused Training

  • Intonation Techniques

  • Vocal Warm-ups

  • Multiple Genres of Vocal Styles

  • Practice Techniques to Achieve Weekly Standards

  • Find Your Vocal Style


  • Practice Space App for accountability

  • Prizes for reaching practice goals

  • Proprietary goal setting system

DAY 1: Music Theory 1:
Christian Perspective

  • Origins of western music in math

  • Connection to God and His creation

  • Overview of rhythm & application

  • Overview of musical scales & keys

DAY 2: Music Theory 2:
Golden Opportunities

  • Grasping the Intervals

  • Chords & Scales

  • Your YWEH musical calling

  • Bonus: Rhythm Cheat Sheet &
    Circle of Fifth: Key to Musical Life

  • Bonus: Access to discounted Math in Motion Course for Challenge 3 Students, Parent-Teachers, Directors

What others say...

Ashley Kammermeier


I've been doing piano lessons for about three years now with Andrew, and what I like most about his teaching style is that he pushes me to do more. He encourages me when I feel stuck or down, yet at the same time, he knows when not to pressure me. When I've had a long day and don't have the capacity for more.

I have a busy way of life, and Andrew works piano lessons into my days without feeling like it is just another thing I must do. He makes learning the piano fun, exciting, and doable, even with everything else.

It encourages me to keep going even when it occasionally seems demanding or grueling.

Imagine for one moment…

You register for the workshop.

You learn my professional writing process and identify the memoir or talk God has in you.

You get your story structure.

You're now invited to speak on it…

You're asked to be a guest on podcasts.

Your confidence is through the roof. 

And you’re just getting started.

Other things in life start to change as well.

Your credibility is elevating.

Your peace of mind is greater than ever before because you are stepping out faithfully.

And it all started from one decision you made today.

If  you're ready to…

  • share your story at church or events

  • write your story

  • become a published author

Then register for this 2-Day Online Workshop

We’re now accepting applications for this 2-day workshop.

If you’re ready to show up & do the work...

If you’re ready to tell or write your story

—then click the button below.

And on the next page, you'll finalize your time for your free coaching call.

Still on the fence?

Here are some questions you might have:


A new powerful app for music teachers & students. Available for Apple, Android, & Web Browser. Turning the old-style paper practice journals into a digital real-time resource with achievements and rewards for students. Helping them to make progress as a musician and achieve their goals.


A goal without a project is a dream & a project without a goal is a hobby. YWEH music has developed a unique musician-focused goal setting system that will influence the rest of your life. This kind of long-term thinking about a students success is not heard of in music education. It is the reason many students quit music. But you won't!


These VIRTUAL lesson provided with my LIVE Google Meeting platform. Assignments from the lesson will be put on Practice Space app along with any videos, links, images to help with complete your musical goals.


Voice lessons are provided by an experienced worship pastor and Artistic Director of YWEH music school & studio. Each lesson is $55 per lesson or $200 for monthly package of four lessons.


Almost all voice teachers use classical or jazz methods. Impractical for most musicians unless you have exclusive goals to become a classical or jazz musician. We use modern worship methodology drawing from 400 years of western music history. Turning our students into capable musicians who can sing with anyone and anywhere.


Good!! We build a foundation of practical music theory along with rudimentary vocal technique. Students are able to sing with any other musician. Growing in every area of your life.

What's your background, Andrew?

Trained up in musical family from the young age of 4, I became an accomplished vocalist and pianist by age 12. In high school and college, I was trained by nationally recognized choral & voice teachers. I played concert & jazz band across the Midwestern U.S. throughout high school.

Today, I lead worship and coach others on how to lead worship across the country.

While pursuing my Music Composition & Entrepreneurship degrees at St. Cloud State University, Jesus got a hold of my life and changed everything! He changed me from a religious musician focused on performance to a lover of Jesus leading others to worship

I have led worship in many places, big & small, large crowds & to the audience of One, while training musicians as needed for my worship teams.

Four years ago, the Lord led me to start YWEH music School & Studio where I provide lessons in person and online.

Currently, I'm serving as a pastor and worship pastor at High Praise Central MN & High Praise Brainerd Lakes.

If you’re ready to start landing your ideal clients consistently, then

register for this FREE 2-Day Online Workshop

Now accepting applications for this 2-day workshop.

If you’re ready to show up & do the work...

If you’re ready to start reaching the people you feel God has called you to...

Then click the button below…

And on the next page you’ll finalize your time slot for your free coaching call.